Troy's Scribbles: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a joke
An important read that points out how bogus Harper's apology was and continues to be.
Troy's Scribbles: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a joke
Settlements in unsettled times.
An important read that points out how bogus Harper's apology was and continues to be.
More bloodletting at Canadian Heritage
Late last week, the federal Minister of Heritage, Josée Verner, was dispatched to swear up and down that the government has no intention of cutting the cultural sector out of its budget, and that decisions to eliminate grant programs were based on a value-for-money assessment of their performance.
The minister's assurances were entirely unconvincing. The federal government has proposed no replacement for any of the programs it has ended, leaving Canada's cultural organizations out to dry.
The most expensive of five new cuts approved in February was the $11.7-million Canadian Memory Fund, which gives federal agencies money to digitize collections and mount them online. Also chopped were the $3.8-million Web portal; the $560,000 Canadian Cultural Observatory; the $5.64-million research and development component of Canadian Culture Online; and the $2.1-million Northern Distribution Program, which distributes the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network signal to 96 Northern communities.
Funding to the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and the Canada Magazine Fund will also drop by $1-million and $500,000 respectively.
Labels: arts cuts, BPIDP, Canadian Heritage, Cultural Observatory,, Magazine Fund
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Canada’s New Government’s Approach to Participaction
The Stabilization Projects, to be shut down in April, were established in seven cities from Victoria to Charlottetown to provide financial and administrative support to arts organizations. Capacity Building is a companion program to provide similar assistance to organizations with no access to a Stabilization Project. Capacity Building has given aid to 347 arts and 214 heritage organizations since 2002, but will be cut in 2010.
The department also plans to end its annual contributions of $300,000 to the A-V Presentation Trust, $1.5-million to the Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund and $2.5-million to the National Training Program in the Film and Video Sector.
Canadian Film Centre (CFC), (Toronto)
Canadian Screen Training Centre (CSTC), (Ottawa)
National Screen Institute - Canada (NSI), (Winnipeg)
Institut national de l’image et du son (INIS), (Montréal)
Labels: arts, AV Trust, Canadian Heritage, Capacity Building, CFC, culture, Independent Film and Video Fund, National Training School, NSI, Stabilization, Vermeer
Margaret Atwood should add "psychic" to her CV
Labels: arts, culture, funding cuts, Margaret Attwood, PromArt, Trade Routes