Thursday, October 30

Troy's Scribbles: Three former residential schools, dozens of graves

Troy's Scribbles: Three former residential schools, dozens of graves: "That's an estimated 237 graves from three schools. And there were hundreds of these damned institutions in both Canada and the USA."

Troy concludes:

That's an estimated 237 graves from three schools. And there were hundreds of these damned institutions in both Canada and the USA.

I've read correspondence between Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa dating back to the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s and the total disrespect shown in those letters and memos paints a very clear picture of how despicable and paternalistic their attitude was (and continues to be for far too many Canadians). The underlying motive for residential schools was assimilation. The government with the enthusiastic support of churches hoped to purge our FN, Inuit and Aboriginal peoples of their culture and identity. I think the first step to truth and reconciliation is identifying their actions as a policy of cultural genocide.


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